Abs are certainly made in the kitchen. Your diet and lifestyle have THE MOST impact on your abs!
However, you do have to work them out to sculpt that muscle baby! Then, once the fats melted, your abs will shine bright! Check out my go-to QUICK crunchless ab workout that I love to do when I am “crunched” <—-for time! LOL …Keep in mind: #1 Rule for doing ab exercises is to ALWAYS remember to breathe.. NEVER hold your breath!
Move 1: Core Contraction
Sit on a bench or chair and place both hands on your abdomen. Inhale and expand your belly, feeling your hands move out. Exhale and contract your abdominals—imagine pulling them in all the way to your spine. Maintain the contraction for 30 counts (to make sure you don’t hold your breath, count out loud). Then do 10 small squeezes. These are a great warm-up ab/core exercise!
Move 2: Seated Squeeze
Rest one hand on your upper stomach and the other below your navel. Inhale to expand your belly. Exhale and draw your abs halfway toward your spine. (This is the starting position.) Contract your abs even more deeply toward your spine for two counts, then return to the starting position for two counts. Work up to 100 repetitions.
Move 3: Leg Lift with Ceiling Taps
(A) Lie on your back with legs and arms straight out, and with hands holding onto the underside of a couch or heavy piece of furniture. Inhale to expand your belly, then exhale to contract your abs toward your spine. Pull your straight legs up toward the ceiling to make a 90 degree angle with your body. (B) Lift lower body toward the ceiling like your trying to tap it! These are AMAZING for sculpting some great abs! One of my faves! Repeat 20 times.
Move 4: Upright Push-Up
(A) Stand at arm’s length from a wall, with palms flat against the wall. Inhale to expand your belly, then exhale and draw it toward your spine. (B) Press against the wall in a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your sides. As you push back to the starting position, contract your abs even more deeply toward your spine. Repeat 20 times.
Move 5: Squat Against the Wall
(A) Stand with a stability ball behind your lower back. Step forward with both feet, keeping them hip-distance apart. Inhale to expand your belly, then exhale and contract your abs toward your spine. (B) Bend your knees to lower into a squat. Straighten your legs to standing and contract your abs even more deeply toward your spine. Repeat 20 times.
Move 6: Squat With Squeeze
(A) Stand with your back against the wall, feet in front of you. Place a playground ball or pillow between your knees. Inhale to expand your belly, then exhale and contract your abs. (B) Bend your knees and lower into a squat. Squeeze the ball with your thighs, drawing your abs even more deeply toward your spine. Do 20 squeezes; return to start. <——Helps not only your abs but those buns too!
Move 7: PLANK
(A) Lay on stomach with your hands (palms down) under your shoulders. Push up and keep body rigid. Hold position for 30 seconds. To help you keep the correct position, squeeze your buns tightly. Do not let your body cave in toward to floor it puts a strain on your back.
Obviously you are doing this at your own risk! So never do any workout when you feel pain. Whenever you start a workout you should get a physical to make sure you are fit to workout at that time 😀
With that said….Have an awesome workout!